Category Archives: Exhibitions
Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski, painters of Gdansk , celebrated the 55th anniversary of married life.
It has been 55 years of conjugal union, years of building a common artistic output, years of sacrifice abroad, longing for the new Poland and hard work of art in Sweden, Germany and Spain. There are many exhibitions in almost all Europe, and finally back to live in beloved Gdansk. Here again peacefully return to his, in the case of Basia asamblaze, collage and continuous opening of new artistic spaces, and in the case of Andrzej to the time of gesture art, expression abstraction with the color note of their professors Stanisław Teisseyre and Jacek Żuławski. Brilliant professors, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk who gave them direction of future artistic pursuits. These years of experience translate into a relatively quiet life and participation in exhibitions in which artists are still willing to participate. However, their paintings are divided between their Berlin studio and the Gdansk house where they spend most of their time. “Traces and Hopees”, Andrzej Piwarski’s last exhibition has caused a lot of stirring moments for several generations of Poles, now they are preparing for another. In the City Hall, the Mayor of Gdańsk among many other couples on behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland granted a commemorative medal to commemorate their 55th wedding anniversary. There were flowers, champagne and a wonderful concert by the Baltic Opera soloists.
Stanisław Seyfried – Emerald jubilee of Gdańsk Painters Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski – 2017
Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski, painters of Gdansk , celebrated the 55th anniversary of married life.
It has been 55 years of conjugal union, years of building a common artistic output, years of sacrifice abroad, longing for the new Poland and hard work of art in Sweden, Germany and Spain. There are many exhibitions in almost all Europe, and finally back to live in beloved Gdansk. Here again peacefully return to his, in the case of Basia asamblaze, collage and continuous opening of new artistic spaces, and in the case of Andrzej to the time of gesture art, expression abstraction with the color note of their professors Stanisław Teisseyre and Jacek Żuławski. Brilliant professors, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk who gave them direction of future artistic pursuits. These years of experience translate into a relatively quiet life and participation in exhibitions in which artists are still willing to participate. However, their paintings are divided between their Berlin studio and the Gdansk house where they spend most of their time. “Traces and Hopees”, Andrzej Piwarski’s last exhibition has caused a lot of stirring moments for several generations of Poles, now they are preparing for another. In the City Hall, the Mayor of Gdańsk among many other couples on behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland granted a commemorative medal to commemorate their 55th wedding anniversary. There were flowers, champagne and a wonderful concert by the Baltic Opera soloists.
Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski, painters of Gdansk , celebrated the 55th anniversary of married life.
It has been 55 years of conjugal union, years of building a common artistic output, years of sacrifice abroad, longing for the new Poland and hard work of art in Sweden, Germany and Spain. There are many exhibitions in almost all Europe, and finally back to live in beloved Gdansk. Here again peacefully return to his, in the case of Basia asamblaze, collage and continuous opening of new artistic spaces, and in the case of Andrzej to the time of gesture art, expression abstraction with the color note of their professors Stanisław Teisseyre and Jacek Żuławski. Brilliant professors, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk who gave them direction of future artistic pursuits. These years of experience translate into a relatively quiet life and participation in exhibitions in which artists are still willing to participate. However, their paintings are divided between their Berlin studio and the Gdansk house where they spend most of their time. “Traces and Hopees”, Andrzej Piwarski’s last exhibition has caused a lot of stirring moments for several generations of Poles, now they are preparing for another. In the City Hall, the Mayor of Gdańsk among many other couples on behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland granted a commemorative medal to commemorate their 55th wedding anniversary. There were flowers, champagne and a wonderful concert by the Baltic Opera soloists.
2016 – Gallery Świętojańska – GDANSK
2015 – the Management Board of the Polish National Association – BERLIN
With a great deal of joy and satisfaction we pass the message received is highlighted. During the event “NEW YEAR’S CONCERT” in the theater Fontane – Haus in Berlin on 30 January 2016 a couple of artists Barbara Ur-Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski received the award granted by the Polish in Berlin for artistic achievement, a long-standing Polish community activities and for the painting exhibition “Traces- hopes “at the Stadthalle in Münster in 2015. Chairman of the Polish in Berlin Ferdinand Domaradzki in laudation characterizing the silhouette makers said Andrzej Piwarski and Barbara Ur-Piwarska four years ago celebrated their marriage anniversary and 50th anniversary of artistic work of Andrzej Piwarski. It would seem that after years of creative work will rest and will enjoy a fulfilled life full of successes, the rich artistic achievements. Andrzej Piwarski individual cycles called: Traces of time Traces of life, traces of hope. First of all, remarkable traces filled to the brim, fulfilled, the artist’s life, the life of man, husband, father, partner as great as he is an artist – Barbara Ur Piwarska. Andrzej Piwarski has a huge creative potential, a brilliant interpreter of life, his artistic vocation, activity in the service of beauty we will enjoy for many years.
Andrzej, Barbara! To be an artist, there is one way: it needs to be born. Joint survival following Jubilees and all the best from Polonia Berlin.
2015 – Film “Longing for the Polish”
TVP SA GDAŃSK – The direction – Jolanta Roman-Stefanowska, Krzysztof Iglikowski – camera, Wlodzimierz Dembinski – sound – “PANORAMA” – “Longing for the Polish” emission TVP3 Gdańsk, 24.12.2015 at 18.30. The time of emissions 3’40. http: // gdansk.
2014 – The Great Encyclopedia of World Polonia
At the beginning of December 2014. was published “The Great Encyclopedia of World Polonia” / 534 pages/, edited by Prof. Zbigniew S.Piasek. Publishers Foundation “Institute for Education and Development” in Czestochowa /Poland/ and Publishing Polonia University in Czestochowa. The idea is to preserve and Encyclopedia fixation Polish heritage, remaining in exile, and Poles in the country, actively interact with a number of organizations, associations and foundations Polonia. Encyclopedia on the pages 233-238 biogram placed, is a biography, a portrait and four colored reproductionsof works by Barbara Ur Piwarska. On pages 239-245 a portrait, the photograph in the studio at work and the three color reproductions of works by Andrzej Jan Piwarski.
On 11/08/2014 at the opening ceremony of the exhibition of paintings in the Municipal Cultural Center in Tuchomie /Poland/, works created during the thirteen International Symposium of Artists in Tuchomie was the signing of the uprising: The municipal Museum of European Art Laboratory in Tuchomie /Poland/ unter the name Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski and
European Sculpture Park in Tuchomie /Poland/ under the name Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski.
Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski lend free artwork in the form of paintings and sculptures created by them in organized International Symposium of Artists in Tuchomie in the years 1993-2006.
In addition, Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski lend their paintings and sculptures created out of symposium. Documentation shall also communicate works and exhibitions organized in the years 1993 – 2014 in Poland and abroad by the European Laboratory for Art in Tuchomie.
From left to right: Mayor of Tuchomie Jerzy Lewi – Kiedrowski, Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski
Currently place of exhibition of paintings and sculptures will commune office buildings, the Municipal Cultural Centre and the Centre for International Meetings in Tuchomie. It is planned to build the building, “the Municipal Museum of European Art Laboratory in Tuchomie under the name Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski “.
Agreement on 08.11.2014 about the creation of the Municipal Museum of European Art Laboratory in Tuchomie under the name Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski signed on behalf of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Tuchomie Director Ludwik Szreder and by the European Art Laboratory Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski
From left to right: Mayor of Tuchomie Jerzy Lewi – Kiedrowski, Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski
Sculptures and spatial objects created in the years 1993 – 2006 during the International Symposiums Artists in Tuchomie located on private property of Barbara and Andrzej Piwarski’s created by them the European Sculpture Park received free of charge as a permanent exhibition of sculptures in the commune at the School of Tuchomie. The park covers about 3 acres of land, which will be located sculptures and objects under the name of European Sculpture Park in Tuchomie unter name Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski.
Information boards will be developed sculptures, website and documentation will be carried out the activities of the Laboratory of Art.
The agreement was signed lender Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski and taking in use by the Municipality – Mayor of Tuchomie Jerzy Lewi – Kiedrowski.
From left to right: Mayor of Tuchomie Jerzy Lewi – Kiedrowski, Direktor Ludwik Szreder, Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Piwarski
2014 – diploma thanks for promoting Commune Tuchomie
On 8 November, 2014 at the ceremonial opening of the exhibition of works created on organized in the years 1993-2006 the International Symposium of Artists in Tuchomie, Mayor of Tychomie Jerzy Levi – Kiedrowski gave Barbara Ur Piwarska and Andrzej Jan Piwarski diploma thanks for promoting Commune Tuchomie in Poland and Europe . Also gave thanks for the artistic presentation of the work at the annual International Symposium of Artists in Tuchomie organized in the years 1993-2006.
At the same time he wished to continue the work created, organized exhibitions, openings, not only educated and expand horizons, but also approaching people in time and space and many artistic successes.
Diploma thanks for promoting Commune Tuchomie in Poland and Europe