JACEK KOTLICA – from catalogue “Barbara Piwarska-Ur – Gallery 8” – SOPOT /Poland/ 1970

According Stephane Mallarme the becomes an artist not only through the observations of nature but also through the contemplation of other painters’ work. And if we look deeper in the sense of this French poet’s idealistic definitioin, we shall discover that the starting point of this argumentation is nature and the final one is culture and art. Dynamic and expressive vision of the world in Barbara Piwarska’s pictures comes partly not only from the fascination of the surrounding world but mainly from the anxieties, feaars and spells of the world of poetic mataphors and symbols. Her surrealistic landscapes – visions lead us into the atmosphere of dream and sommambulic reflexion transformed into the element of colors combined uniformly with its subject.

Seeking for the origins of Barbara Piwarska’s creative inspirations it is worth to recall Marc Chagall’s and other surrealists’ worrks. Though we should remember that the sublimed world of her pictures full of metephors and phoshorescent colors belongs first of all to her. The creative work of her imagination and sensitiveness gave her pictures their own constitution and shape.

JACEK KOTLICA – from catalogue “Barbara Piwarska-Ur – Gallery 8” – SOPOT /Poland/ 1970